Downstream Oil & Gas Water Management

This course is not currently scheduled but may be offered at your company site.
Please contact Fleming for more information.

online live

Training features

Fully online

All sessions of this unique course online

Live interaction

Live interaction options between the delegates and trainer

On any device

Available via mobile, tablet or laptop

Course description

Water is a major component in all phases of hydrocarbon production and becomes a major issue also during downstream oil and gas processing. A robust water treatment plant is essential for smooth operation of all refining processes. With changing crude oil- and water qualities, climate changes impacting surface run-off and stricter regulations to meet health and environmental challenges, which can be both volatile and toxic is an ever-growing task for refineries. Most downstream processes also generate wastewater that must be treated prior to discharge and/ or reuse. Wastewater treatment in downstream facilities can be a complex issue. Many pollutants must be removed to ensure full compliance with environmental regulations and appropriate quality. These pollutants are mostly related to the petroleum (aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, phenols, PAH) to bacteria formed by-products (hydrogen sulfide, ammonia) to oxygen consumption (COD, BOD), heavy metals (mercury, copper etc.), cyanides salinity (chlorides), etc. Oil refineries, the petrochemical industry, and chemical processing industry have extensive water and wastewater needs. Operators seek cost and operational efficiency, while providing better environmental stewardship. This course is designed to address the challenges of water and wastewater treatment in downstream oil and gas industry by covering the topics of onshore water storage and processing, environmental legislations, water quality, waste water treatment and meeting HSE requirements. The course is presented by independent consultants, well recognized in the petroleum industry, who have travelled the world to provide assessments of water systems and treatment options and who are well updated on the latest technologies under development and qualified by the industry.

meet the training leaders
Dr. Bjorn Rusten
Senior Consultant
Aquateam COWI AS
Dr. Eilen Arctander Vik
Research Manager
Aquateam COWI AS, Norway


Reveal the full schedule of the training as well as key topics, course objectives, key takeaways, special features, and the trainer bio!

Downstream Oil & Gas Water Management Training Course | Fleming
Downstream Oil & Gas Water Management Training Course | Fleming
Downstream Oil & Gas Water Management Training Course | Fleming
key training


Water management issues during onshore storage, refining and processing

Efficient water treatment techniques to reduce operational and maintenance costs

Microbial challenges in downstream oil & gas facilities

BAT-AEL guidelines

Biological waste water treatment

Controlling and meeting HSE requirements

Polishing downstream bioreactors

Sampling, monitoring & control

Benefits of attending


Training ticket

This course is not currently scheduled but may be offered at your company site.
Please contact Fleming for more information.

Online Live Stream

Contact us

Ada Tobias | Marketing Manager | Fleming
Ada Tobias
Sr. Manager for Energy & HSE

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