Course description
The course is focused on Functional Safety for the process industry, the oil & gas domain and the power sector. Along with an in-depth presentation of the reference standards and SIL Allocation and Verification techniques, it includes the presentation of complex case studies and an overview of the Functional Safety issues connected to the safety software. Some of the key topics discussed during the course are:
Introduction to the international standard IEC EN 61508 and derived standards, with particular reference to the specific application standard for the process industry IEC EN 61511.
Hazard Identification process with introduction to the HAZOP technique, Risk Assessment and use of Risk Acceptability criteria.
Definition of SIFs (Safety Instrumented Functions) and focus on SIL Allocation techniques (qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative methods), in-depth analysis on Method of Graphs and LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis), indications of Safety Requirements Specification for SIFs.
Verification and demonstration of SIL levels for the design and engineering of E/E/EP (Electric, Electronic, and Programmable Electronic) Safety Instrumented Systems (SISs).
Notes on the activities and verifications of the phases of testing, installation, operation, maintenance, modification e decommissioning, necessary for the maintenance of the SIL level required by the SIS object of the study for the entire Safety Life Cycle of a safety related system.
Software: overview of the role of software in the design of the safety systems in process industry. Development of criteria consistent with the SIL levels allocated.
Description and discussion of specific application cases in the process industry.
About 20% of the training time is dedicated to practical activities related to SIL Allocation and SIL Verification studies. During the course, delegates are invited to carry out small asynchronous tasks to make practical activities more effective and self-evaluate their own learning.