Arend Herwijn

Senior Metrology Consultant
Hint Europe B.V.
After finishing his High School Atheneum-B he started to study Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology. He obtained his Master’s Degree (Ir.) in 1984. Afterwards he worked for several industries as Process engineer. In 1990 he returns to Eindhoven University of Technology, where he was appointed as Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. He was the Project Leader of the research program ‘Fundamental aspects of sludge dewatering’. He obtained his PHD degree in 1996, title of his Ph.D. thesis is ‘Fundamental aspects of sludge characterization’. Based on the results of this scientific research he started his own company. Main activities are the optimization of sludge dewatering processes for wastewater districts and industries. In 2001 he moved to VSL, Dutch Metrology institute where he is appointed as Senior Metrology Expert in gas flow metrology, energy and flow measurement techniques and uncertainty analysis. In 2012 he moved to Kiwa Technology, department Gas Measurement & Safety and worked as a Senior Consultant. In 2018 he started to work at Hint Europe as a Senior Metrology Consultant. Important projects that he has worked on are audit and validation of fiscal energy, gas and oil measurement systems, uncertainty calculations and trainer in the various aspects of Uncertainty Calculations.

Events/Masterclasses Arend Herwijn is currently speaking at


Measurement of LNG Flows
Online Live Stream
During the training, the participants will be introduced to the different problems and issues, how these can be handled in the best way, and the related uncertainties.


Uncertainty Calculations & Monte Carlo Simulations
Online Live Stream
This course covers the propagation of measurement uncertainty using the methods outlined in the JCGM Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement from a statistical perspective.

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Arend Herwijn
Senior Metrology Consultant
Hint Europe B.V.
After finishing his High School Atheneum-B he started to study Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology. He obtained his Master’s Degree (Ir.) in 1984. Afterwards he worked for several industries as Process engineer. In 1990 he returns to Eindhoven University of Technology, where he was appointed as Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. He was the Project Leader of the research program ‘Fundamental aspects of sludge dewatering’. He obtained his PHD degree in 1996, title of his Ph.D. thesis is ‘Fundamental aspects of sludge characterization’. Based on the results of this scientific research he started his own company. Main activities are the optimization of sludge dewatering processes for wastewater districts and industries. In 2001 he moved to VSL, Dutch Metrology institute where he is appointed as Senior Metrology Expert in gas flow metrology, energy and flow measurement techniques and uncertainty analysis. In 2012 he moved to Kiwa Technology, department Gas Measurement & Safety and worked as a Senior Consultant. In 2018 he started to work at Hint Europe as a Senior Metrology Consultant. Important projects that he has worked on are audit and validation of fiscal energy, gas and oil measurement systems, uncertainty calculations and trainer in the various aspects of Uncertainty Calculations.
Arend Herwijn