Luca Mustacchi

Workplace and Innovation Strategist
Il Prisma, Italy
Luca is an Interaction Designer with a background in Industrial Design from Politecnico di Milano (2014) and further training at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) in 2016. This unique educational journey enabled him to blend traditional design principles with emerging socio-technological trends. As a Worksphere Strategist and Innovative Experience Strategist, Luca’s work involves envisioning spatial concepts and pioneering experiential solutions that transcend traditional workplace boundaries. With a curiosity-driven imagination and a robust foundation in product design, he is dedicated to reduce the gap between people and technology, advocating for seamless human-tech interactions throughout the entire design process.

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Luca Mustacchi
Workplace and Innovation Strategist
Il Prisma, Italy
Luca is an Interaction Designer with a background in Industrial Design from Politecnico di Milano (2014) and further training at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) in 2016. This unique educational journey enabled him to blend traditional design principles with emerging socio-technological trends. As a Worksphere Strategist and Innovative Experience Strategist, Luca's work involves envisioning spatial concepts and pioneering experiential solutions that transcend traditional workplace boundaries. With a curiosity-driven imagination and a robust foundation in product design, he is dedicated to reduce the gap between people and technology, advocating for seamless human-tech interactions throughout the entire design process.
Luca Mustacchi