Dr. Michael Beller

Manager Corporate Strategy
Michael has worked in the pipeline industry for over 30 years now. After receiving his Master´s degree in Mechanical Engineering he joined the Research Center Karlsruhe where he carried out research work for his Phd. thesis on the behaviour of cracks in pipeline steels. In 1988 he joined Preussag AG in their pipeline construction division and in 1991 Pipetronix GmbH specializing in pipeline inspection utilizing in-line inspection tools. In 2001 Michael joined NDT Systems & Services AG, where he held the position of Global Marketing Manager. Michael joined Rosen in 2013, where he is part of the Corporate Marketing Team. In 2006 he became a member of the founding board of the Professional Institute of Pipeline Engineers. For more than 20 years now, Michael has been active as a lecturer on pipeline related courses with a special focus on in-line inspection and pipeline integrity.

Events/Masterclasses Dr. Michael Beller is currently speaking at


In-Line Inspection and Inspection of Challenging Pipelines
22 – 25 April 2025
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The course will provide an in-depth introduction into the subject of the in-line inspection of pipelines. We will look at the role the in-line inspection plays in the overall pipeline inspection and pipeline maintenance procedures.


In-Line Inspection and Inspection of Challenging Pipelines
Online Live Stream
The course also includes a short introduction into data analysis and run comparisons as well as the integrity assessment of pipelines based on the data provided by in-line inspection tools.


Pipeline Defects & Flaws
Classroom Training
Join the Pipeline Defects & Flaws training and gain an overview of the tools and technologies available to inspect high pressure pipeline at the different stages of their life.

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Dr. Michael Beller
Manager Corporate Strategy
Michael has worked in the pipeline industry for over 30 years now. After receiving his Master´s degree in Mechanical Engineering he joined the Research Center Karlsruhe where he carried out research work for his Phd. thesis on the behaviour of cracks in pipeline steels. In 1988 he joined Preussag AG in their pipeline construction division and in 1991 Pipetronix GmbH specializing in pipeline inspection utilizing in-line inspection tools. In 2001 Michael joined NDT Systems & Services AG, where he held the position of Global Marketing Manager. Michael joined Rosen in 2013, where he is part of the Corporate Marketing Team. In 2006 he became a member of the founding board of the Professional Institute of Pipeline Engineers. For more than 20 years now, Michael has been active as a lecturer on pipeline related courses with a special focus on in-line inspection and pipeline integrity.
Dr. Michael Beller